Fraud Prevention Solution for Merchants and Payment Service Providers (On-Premies)

Prevent Chargebacks,
Reduce False Declines

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A cutting edge solution for acquiring side authentication

ActiveServer - Our 3DS Server solution for 3D Secure 2

ActiveServer is GPayments' 3DS Server solution, intended for payment gateways, payment service providers, merchants, and acquiring banks who wish to support 3D Secure 2. ActiveServer is developed based on the EMV® 3-D Secure specifications published by EMVCo.

ActiveServer is EMVCo certified, and supports global major card schemes, with potential to add more in the future

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ActiveServer Illustration
Integration icon

Backend language agnostic solution through a RESTful API for integration flexibility

Hosted and in-house options available to suit your deployment needs

Protocol router included for 3DS1 compatibility

Docker Icon
Supports containerisation and most mainstream load balancers
Sales Improve

Intuitive dashboard UI to see transaction statistics and system info for business analysis

Product Testing icon

3DS2 test environment available with live and fully developed Directory Server and ACS components for end-to-end system integration testing

If you are interested in using our services in your area, feel free to contact us.
Our team of experts are dedicated to meeting all your requirements.
Flexible deployment with In-House & Hosted Service (SaaS) options available

Hosted Service (SaaS)

Our ActiveServer hosted service provides a scalable, 24/7 service that helps the client save on both time and infrastructure resources. Hosted service also removes the need for the client to certify with each card scheme, which is needed if the client were to deploy in-house.

Cloud Database Vector
Fully Compliant Icon

Fully compliant

All PCI certification and card scheme compliance programs are handled by GPayments, reducing the scope of your organisations investment and greatly expediting the time to market.

Serviced by Experts

Serviced by experts

Save time and resources by allowing our team of 3DS2 professionals to keep the software running, up-to-date and cover any support questions you may have.

Performance Icon

Easy to manage

Your service can be managed easily from our client dashboard, including on-boarding and viewing your subscription details and system status. Access to your ActiveServer instance is also securely granted via the web-based administration panel at your customised sub-domain on our server for you to perform all administration tasks.

In-house deployment

In-house deployment is also available, which offers full control over the software and deployment. ActiveServer has been designed to be easily deployed in a high availability cluster set up out-of-the-box in your environment. The software and documentation suite are all available from our website for download. Installation and management packages can also be discussed and tailored to fit your situation as required.

Application Server and OS Agnostic

Ability to utilise any popular web container to launch ActiveServer via a WAR file or deploy as a standalone application utilising Spring. This extends to all popular operating systems including Windows and Linux based systems.


HSM Agnostic

Compatibility with most major general purpose Hardware Security Modules for encryption, including Thales, Gemalto, AWS KMS, or any PKCS11 compatible HSM’s.

easy product activation

Easy Product Activation

Simple management of all ActiveServer instances deployed via a token-based activation procedure linked to the organisation’s account with GPayments.

RESTful API based and sample code included

Easy integration

Integrating with ActiveServer is remarkably simple. It uses an industry standard RESTful API, and includes a sample 3DS Requestor and checkout payment page to demonstrate system integration. In addition to authentication APIs, ActiveServer also has a set of admin APIs to allow you to programmatically configure the software, or wrap ActiveServer's API with your own merchant facing interface.

Access Integration Documentation
Quick and Easy Integration Illustration

Protocol router included for 3DS1 compatibility

ActiveServer implements a "protocol router" for backwards compatibility with 3DS1. ActiveServer caches the BIN ranges of cards that are enrolled in 3DS2, and before each authentication, the protocol router API call can be made to determine whether the given card supports 3DS2. If not, the client may fall back to an existing 3DS1 MPI implementation. The protocol router is compatible with any 3DS1 MPI on the market, and is crucial for merchants to obtain liability shift using 3DS1 before liability shift for 3DS2 is activated or to adhere to regional mandates.

Supports containerisation and most mainstream load balancers

ActiveServer supports containerisation to integrate with load balancers; it is compatible with Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, and AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service). ActiveServer also supports load balancing and high availability deployments via clustering setups. As long as the backend database is clustered, ActiveServer instances can be configured to be load balanced using most mainstream load balancing solutions.

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TestLabs Illustrationi

3DS2 test environment, TestLabs, available to help with your integration testing needs

GPayments offers an end-to-end testing platform, TestLabs. As specialists in 3D Secure, all components in TestLabs are fully developed, as opposed to being basic simulators. TestLabs can be used to test any 3DS component, or to perform product integration testing.

Easily interact with the software via a graphical UI

All reporting and settings for ActiveServer can be accessed via an intuitive graphical user interface. The UI also includes a dashboard that displays key statistics, such as the number of authentications, and breakdowns of those by card schemes, frictionless vs. challenge, browser vs. mobile, etc.

user interface of activer server
Timeline of 3D Secure 2 regional mandates
Timeline of 3D Secure 2 regional mandates

*The dates in this timeline are received directly from the card schemes. GPayments recognises that these dates are subject to change due to external circumstances.

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